1. You may navigate to any subscriber profile, and click on Unsubscribe or Delete subscriber to unsubscribe or remove the subscriber from your list, respectively.

A bolder, cheaper way to send email marketing campaigns with WordPress
Written by Hernán Villanueva
1. You may navigate to any subscriber profile, and click on Unsubscribe or Delete subscriber to unsubscribe or remove the subscriber from your list, respectively.
Written by Hernán Villanueva
1. On your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Newsletters >> Settings. Enter the credentials given to you in the email we sent after we setup your account.
2. Click Save Changes. The message “The connection to your Boldermail account is active and working” will display if you entered your credentials correctly. If you are unable to connect to your server, please don’t hesitate to contact us!
Written by Hernán Villanueva
1. From your WordPress admin dashboard, move your cursor over to Plugins, and then click Add New on the submenu.
2. Type boldermail in the Search plugins box.
3. Click Install Now on the search result.
4. Once installed, click on the Activate button.
5. If successful, you should see a Plugin activated message.
Now that the plugin is installed and activated, you will need to enter your Boldermail credentials to connect the plugin to our servers. Click here to get instructions on how to connect the plugin to your Boldermail account.
Written by Hernán Villanueva
Using Boldermail to setup and deliver your emails is easy, but it requires a few initial steps:
Your subscription to a plan will pay for your server at Boldermail. All plans offer the same premium support and features. I believe that no matter the size of your business or list, you should have access to all the tools you need to succeed! The only thing that changes with the plans is the number of subscribers the plan can handle.
Boldermail works with Amazon Web Services to deliver your emails. Think of Boldermail as the middleman between your WordPress site and the Amazon cloud. To use the Boldermail plan you selected in Step 1, you will need to create an account with Amazon Web Services.
After I finish configuring your Amazon account and setting up your Boldermail server, you will receive an email from me with credentials to connect WordPress to your Boldermail server. This step takes approximately 24-48 hours.
You can add the plugin to your site straight from your WordPress dashboard. Once the plugin is installed and activated, use the credentials that you received in the previous step and enter them in your Boldermail plugin settings.
Read the documentation to start managing your subscribers and designing your email campaigns.
Written by Hernán Villanueva
In this tutorial, you will create a Boldermail user in your Amazon Web Services console in order for me to setup Amazon Simple Email Services (Amazon SES) for you! Amazon SES will allow Boldermail servers to communicate with Amazon and deliver emails at a rate of $0.0001 per email. I will need you to create a user on your Amazon Web Services account, and give Boldermail partial permissions in order to configure your SES account. (If this sounds intimidating, don’t be deterred. The tutorial below will walk you through the process in crystal clear steps!)
This tutorial should take you another 5 minutes. Once you are done, I will set up your Boldermail server, and you will be on your way to sending newsletters to your subscribers!
1. Go to the Amazon Web Services page by clicking here.
2. Move your cursor over the “My Account” link on the upper right area of the screen. A drop down menu should appear. Click on the “AWS Management Console” option.
3. You will be redirected to a sign-in page. Enter the email address that you used to create your Amazon Web Services account.
4. Next, you will be asked for your account password. Enter your password, and click “Sign in”.
5. After you sign in, you should see the Amazon Web Services Management Console. In the “AWS Services” box, under “Find Services”, type “IAM”.
6. An option that says “IAM – Manage User Access and Encryption Keys” should display in the search box. Click on it.
6. You should see a “Welcome to Identity and Access Management” message. Click on “Users” on the menu on the left side (under “Dashboard” and “Groups”).
7. On the Users page, click on “Add User” (the blue button).
8. You should now be in the “Add User” page. Type in the username “boldermail”. In “Access type”, select “AWS Management Console access”. In “Console password”, select “Autogenerated password”. Finally, make sure the “Require password reset” box is checked. Once you are done, click on the “Next: Permissions” button.
9. In the Permissions page, in the “Set Permissions” section, click on “Attach existing policies directly”.
10. In the search box, type “IAMFullAccess”. Then, mark the checkbox next to the search result.
11. Delete “IAMFullAccess” from the search box, and type “SupportAccess”. Again, click the checkbox next to the search result.
12. Finally, delete “SupportAccess” from the search box, and type “SESFullAccess”. Click the checkbox next to the search result. Click on “Next: Tags” at the bottom to continue to the next page.
12. On the “Add tags” page, simply click “Next: Review” at the bottom. There is nothing to do here.
13. The most important thing to check on the “Review” page is the “Permissions summary” section. Make sure that the “IAMFullAccess”, “AWSSupportAccess”, and “AmazonSESFullAccess” policies are there!
14. That’s it! You did it! You should see a “Success” message on your screen. The last step is to click on the the “Download .csv” button. A file should start downloading to your computer.
Simply attach this file to the form below and click “Send”; alternatively, you can email me the file at [email protected].
That’s it for now! Go back to the Setup your Amazon Web Services Account to read what to expect next.