Boldermail works in conjunction with Amazon Web Services to deliver your emails. Think of Boldermail as the middleman between your WordPress site and the Amazon cloud. To use Boldermail you will need to create an account with Amazon following the steps outlined below. This initial setup takes between 5-10 minutes to complete, and I’m happy to jump in at any point to help you out if you get stuck.
1. Create an Account on Amazon Web Services
Amazon will bill you only when you send an email at a rate of $0.0001 per email. To be clear, you will be paying two companies — Boldermail and Amazon — to deliver your emails. Trust me: you will still save a lot of money by using these two services! You may use my calculator here to compare costs.
2. Create a Boldermail User in your Amazon Web Services Account
Think of it like creating a user in your WordPress dashboard, and assigning this user the role of “Contributor”. The user you create for Boldermail in your Amazon Web Services account will have limited access to your account, and I will use this access to setup Amazon Simple Email Services and to connect your Boldermail server to Amazon for you!
What to Expect Next
Once you complete the two steps above, and provide me the file obtained in Step 2, I will configure your Amazon account and begin setting up your Boldermail server. This process takes between 24-48 hours. You should expect to receive the following emails from Amazon Web Services:
“Amazon Web Services: You have opened a new Support case” and “[Case XXXXXXXXXX] New correspondence added”
These emails with the subject lines above are correspondence between Boldermail and Amazon Web Services to continue setting up your account. There is no need to respond to these — feel free to ignore them!
“Amazon Web Services – Email Address Verification Request in region XXXXX”
This email is important! Amazon sends this email to the email address you used to sign up for Boldermail to verify that you own the address. The region in the subject line may not match where you are physically located. Amazon has data centers across the world, and I set up your account using the data center closest to you for optimal performance.
Inside the email, there will be a link that you must click to verify ownership of the address.

Once you click it, you will be taken a success page like the one shown below:
That’s it for now! Once I finish setting up your Amazon Web Services account, I will proceed to configure your Boldermail account, and email you with credentials to connect your WordPress site to the Boldermail servers.