The first step to managing, adding, or importing your subscribers is to create a List. A List allows you to group your subscribers under a common denomination; for example, “Blog Subscribers”, or “Affiliates Program”, or “Video Course Students”.
To add a List, navigate to your WordPress admin dashboard, and then select “Lists” inside the “Newsletters” menu on the left.

You will be taken to the Lists admin page. Click on the “Add New” button at the top, next to “Lists”.

You should be now at the “Add New List” page.

All you need to do to create a List is enter a name. Click on the “Create List” button, and your List will be ready to be used!
Once your List is created, you will be able to check your number of contacts and subscribers in the “At a Glance” meta box on the right, and you will have the option to add a single subscriber, bulk import subscribers, or view your subscribers information.

Other settings are available inside the “Settings” meta box, but they were not required to add a new List. We’ll explore these options in the following sections.
List Details

The List Details tab contains the email addresses and names that your subscribers will interact with when you send a newsletter. For example, when we send an email to our subscribers, each individual email has a “From” field that reads “Hernan Villanueva <[email protected]>”, and a “Reply-to” field that reads “<[email protected]>”. You can customize these values in this tab, and specify how you want your information to be displayed to your subscribers. Every time you create a newsletter, the information from this tab will be automatically pulled into the campaign, and added to the email data.
Subscribe Settings
This tab defines how your users subscribe to your newsletter.

Opt-in Type
This options sets whether your users are subscribed immediately once they enter their email (Single Opt-in), or remain unconfirmed until they click a link in a confirmation email that is sent automatically to them (Double Opt-in).
Subscribe Page
This option allows you to redirect your users to a page on your website immediately after they subscribe to your list.
Already Subscribed Page
If a subscriber tries to subscribe again, they will be redirected to this page. You can choose the same page as the one in the “Subscribe Page” option above, or a completely different page for a more targeted message.
Send Thank You Email
You have the option to send a “Thank you” email to your subscriber immediately after they subscribe to your page. This is a great opportunity to engage your freshly subscribed readers, and redirect them back to your site with new content or an offer!
Thank You Subject
If you checked the “Send Thank You Email” box, this option will display on your screen. Set the subject line for the “Thank You” email you will send to your readers after they subscribe to your newsletter.
Thank You Message
If you checked the “Send Thank You Email” box, this option will display on your screen. Set the content for the “Thank You” email you will send to your readers after they subscribe to your newsletter. To learn how to user the Boldermail editor, click here.
Confirmation Page
If you selected “Double Opt-in” as the opt-in type above, this option will display on your screen. Similar to the “Subscribe Page” option above, it allows you to redirect your users to a page on your website once they confirm their subscription.
Confirmation Subject
If you selected “Double Opt-in” as the opt-in type above, this option will display on your screen. This is the subject line for the email your readers will receive after they subscribe to your newsletter. The email must ask them to confirm their subscription. If the readers do not confirm their subscription they will remain in an “Unconfirmed” status, and will not receive your newsletters.
Confirmation Message
If you selected “Double Opt-in” as the opt-in type above, this option will display on your screen. This is the content for the email your readers will receive asking them to confirm their subscription. It MUST include the shortcode [boldermail_confirm][/boldermail_confirm]
somewhere in the email. This shortcode will get converted to a link that your readers will click to confirm their subscription. The shortcode should be used as a link tag as follows: To confirm your subscription, click [boldermail_confirm]here[/boldermail_confirm].
You are welcome to customize the text — just enclose the word or phrase you want your users to click on within the shortcode!
Unsubscribe Settings
This tab controls how your subscribers will be able to unsubscribe.
Opt-out Type
Similar to “Opt-in Type”, this option allows you to select whether you want the user to confirm his or her subscription cancellation (Double Opt-out), or to unsubscribe immediately upon clicking “Unsubscribe” on an email newsletter (Single Opt-out).
Unsubscribe Page
Choose a page to redirect your readers after they unsubscribe from your newsletter.
Send Unsubscribe Email
With this option you can send the subscribers who cancel their subscription a “Goodbye” email.
Goodbye Subject
Insert a subject line for the “Goodbye” email.
Goodbye Message
Insert the content for the “Goodbye” email. This is a good chance to entice your readers to resubscribe to the newsletter. Simply provide them the link to resubscribe using the shortcode [boldermail_resubscribe][/boldermail_resubscribe]
. You can use it as follows: To resubscribe to the newsletter, click [boldermail_resubscribe]here[/boldermail_resubscribe].
Footer Content
This section contains contact information that we will insert at the bottom of your email newsletter to comply with international spam laws. You will need to enter a name and an address for your blog/business/website. Finally, you need to provide a quick reminder on how your subscribers ended up subscribing to your newsletter. For example, “You are receiving this email because you opted in on our signup form on the Boldermail website (”
What’s Next?
After you are done customizing your List, you can add a subscriber, or bulk import a list of subscribers.