1. At the moment, we do not offer a form builder, but our plugin should work with any subscription form plugin you may already use on your site. For this step, we will use the Genesis eNews Extended plugin. However, if you use another form plugin and would like to keep it, write us at [email protected], and we’ll be happy to provide instructions for you!
2. Install the Genesis eNews Extended plugin by going to Plugins >> Add New, and typing the name in the “Search plugins” text box. Click on “Install Now” and then “Activate”.
3. The Genesis eNews Extended plugin will add a widget to your widgets list. Add the widget to your sidebar, or wherever you wish to place it.
4. Fill out the information in the widget box. The key components are:
- Action: Use the URL of your Boldermail server + “/subscribe”; for example:
- E-Mail Field: type “email”
- First Name Field: type “name”
- Last Name Field: type “LastName”
- Hidden Fields: copy the following code and replace LIST_ID with the ID of the List you want this form to be used for. The List ID can be found by clicking on your List, and then checking the “At a Glance” meta box on the left of the page.
<div style="display: none;"> <label for="hp">HP</label><input id="hp" name="hp" type="text" /> </div> <input name="list" type="hidden" value="LIST_ID" /> <input name="subform" type="hidden" value="yes" />

The only required fields to fill out are “Action”, “E-Mail Field”, and “Hidden Fields”. You can leave “First Name Field” and “Last Name Field” empty to not ask your potential subscribers for that information. Click “Save” once you are done!
5. Your subscribe form should look like this: